Anut Sunshine Hand-Printed Cotton Beach Towels (Set of 2)


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Anūt often specialises in linen and pottery for the table, but that isn’t its only strong suit – as these towels can attest. Each cotton piece is lightweight yet generously sized, detailed with hand-printed sunshine motifs and nautical tassels.

Product ID: 2208205046

View more from: Anut / Towels

Anūt often specialises in linen and pottery for the table, but that isn’t its only strong suit – as these towels can attest. Each cotton piece is lightweight yet generously sized, detailed with hand-printed sunshine motifs and nautical tassels.

Product ID: 2208205046

View more from: Anut / Towels

Anut Sunshine Hand-Printed Cotton Beach Towels (Set of 2)


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