In 1993, a goldsmi...
In 1993, a goldsmith’s son, Francis Gelb created his first piece of flatware - a knife - from there Sabre began. Forged in stainless steel and carbon alloy and hand-assembled in the family workshop with colourful handles to create eclectic, playful tableware to dress your table up every day. A mix-and-match pioneer, Sabre has fun stirring things up.In 1993, a goldsmith’s son, Francis Gelb created his first piece of flatware - a knife - from there Sabre began. Forged in stainless steel and carbon alloy and hand-assembled in the family workshop with colourful handles to create eclectic, playful tabl
In 1993, a goldsmith’s son, Francis Gelb created his first piece of flatware - a knife - from there Sabre began. Forged in stainless steel and carbon alloy and hand-assembled in the family workshop with colourful handles to create eclectic, playful tableware to dress your table up every day. A mix-and-match pioneer, Sabre has fun stirring things up.