Ginori 1735 Gio Ponti Porcelain Bowl


Ginori's Stuoia bowl was designed by Gio Ponti in 1923, the year he was named creative director of the 300-year porcelain factory. Ponti introduced innovative techniques and prints nodding to ancient Greek culture, and this pattern is a classic. Expertly screen printed, it's a triumph of fine workmanship.

Product ID: 2201802015

View more from: Ginori 1735 / Serving bowls

Ginori's Stuoia bowl was designed by Gio Ponti in 1923, the year he was named creative director of the 300-year porcelain factory. Ponti introduced innovative techniques and prints nodding to ancient Greek culture, and this pattern is a classic. Expertly screen printed, it's a triumph of fine workmanship.

Product ID: 2201802015

View more from: Ginori 1735 / Serving bowls

Ginori 1735 Gio Ponti Porcelain Bowl

