The Glass Studio i...
The Glass Studio is an independent glassware company that prides itself for its original handblown layering and marbling techniques, making each piece truly one-of-a-kind. Collaborating with artisan glassblowers and hot shops across the globe, the studio is always looking to evolve its artful collections of everyday glassware and décor.The Glass Studio is an independent glassware company that prides itself for its original handblown layering and marbling techniques, making each piece truly one-of-a-kind. Collaborating with artisan glassblowers and hot shops across the globe, the studi
The Glass Studio is an independent glassware company that prides itself for its original handblown layering and marbling techniques, making each piece truly one-of-a-kind. Collaborating with artisan glassblowers and hot shops across the globe, the studio is always looking to evolve its artful collections of everyday glassware and décor.