Yard O Led Diplomat Barley Sterling Silver Pencil


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Yard O Led nailed it with the first draft of its propelling pencil in 1934. The design remains unchanged and every Diplomat Barley pencil, with its stabilising hexagonal shape and clip in sterling silver, is still handmade by a small team of artisans in the brand’s historic workshop in Birmingham.

Product ID: 2205306001

View more from: Yard O Led / Pens & pencils

Yard O Led nailed it with the first draft of its propelling pencil in 1934. The design remains unchanged and every Diplomat Barley pencil, with its stabilising hexagonal shape and clip in sterling silver, is still handmade by a small team of artisans in the brand’s historic workshop in Birmingham.

Product ID: 2205306001

View more from: Yard O Led / Pens & pencils

Yard O Led Diplomat Barley Sterling Silver Pencil


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Meet the Maker:

Yard O Led

Yard O Led is a leading manufacturer of fine writing instruments in Britain. Dedicated craftspeople assemble and decorate each piece in the brand’s Birmingham workshop, using premium 926 Sterling silver. The lost art of traditional engraving, engine-turning and hand-hammering techniques are employed to honour age-old metalworking. Keep an eye out for the unique, numerical engraving stamped on every piece.